Terms of Use

  1. Unless otherwise indicated, this website and its contents are the property of the Association for Living Values Education International of Rue Adrien-Lachenal 20, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland ("ALIVE"). The copyright in the material contained on this website belongs to ALIVE or its licensors. Trademarks appearing on this website are protected by local and international trademark laws.

  2. No part of the contents of or material on this website may be reproduced, transmitted or downloaded and saved, except that you may download and/or copy any part of such material subject to the following conditions:-

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    2. The copies must retain any copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material; and
    3. The contents of, material on and technology used in this website may be the subject of intellectual property rights of ALIVE or third parties. No licence is granted herein in respect of those intellectual property rights.

  3. The information placed on this website by ALIVE ("ALIVE Information") has been prepared for the purpose of providing selected information about ALIVE and organisations with which it is associated and about the respective services which they offer.

  4. This website has been compiled in good faith by ALIVE from internal and external sources. Whilst ALIVE endeavours to keep ALIVE Information and contents of this website up-to-date, it does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the completeness or accuracy thereof or that it is up-to-date. Users of this website should therefore verify the same as required and ALIVE is not responsible for the results of reliance on any such information.

  5. This website is provided "as is" without any warranty or representation of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or implied terms of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose or non-infringement.

  6. By accessing and/or using any of ALIVE Information or other materials obtained from, or made available at, or through this website, you agree that ALIVE will not be liable whatsoever to you, or any other person, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss (including, without limitation, data loss or corruption) whatsoever arising from, or in connection with, any use of ALIVE Information and/or material, whether such information and/or materials is/are obtained from, or made available at, this website or from your access of other material on the internet via web links from this website.

  7. ALIVE does not make any warranty that use of the website will be uninterrupted, virus-free or error-free; or that use of the website will not affect other software or operating systems used to access the website. Any warranties provided under law are expressly excluded to the fullest extent possible. In particular, ALIVE does not warrant that use of the website will not infringe the rights of any other person or organisation; nor that the website is of reasonable quality or fit for any particular purpose, even if ALIVE has received notice of an intention to use the website for that purpose.

  8. Unless they are contained in ALIVE Information, or unless expressly stated otherwise, opinions given on this website are those of the individuals making them, and not those of ALIVE: ALIVE is not responsible for such opinions or any claims resulting from them.

  9. To the extent permitted in law, ALIVE accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may be suffered by other parties as a direct or indirect result of using this website (including loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of business, and consequential loss).

  10. Persons submitting material other than ALIVE Information to, through or for this website are solely responsible for the material and for any claims relating to its content, whether made against ALIVE or otherwise. Whilst ALIVE does not generally exercise editorial control over any content posted to the website by users, ALIVE reserves the right at its sole discretion to remove any content which it has been notified is objectionable, whether or not the objection is substantiated, and otherwise to review, edit or delete any comments provided by users which it deems defamatory, unlawful, threatening or otherwise objectionable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and to the extent permitted in law, ALIVE accepts no responsibility or liability for any material communicated by third parties via the website.

  11. Subject to the above, those gaining access to this website are authorised to make use of the website (and of any chatrooms and interactive facilities which are available through it) for any lawful purposes. The following is a non-exclusive list of uses which are expressly prohibited:

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    8. storing personal data derived from the website;
    9. posting material which:
    10. infringes intellectual property rights;
    11. defames or threatens other people or organisations;
    12. is offensive, obscene or hateful, or which other users of the website are likely to consider offensive, obscene or hateful.

  12. ALIVE may collect e-mail addresses and other contact details, together with any comments provided voluntarily via this website. ALIVE also collects information on what pages are visited and material downloaded. This information is used to improve the content of the website and to make contact for promotional purposes and for the supply of information.

  13. Use of this website will constitute acceptance of your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined above, as such terms may be modified from time to time. In this regard, ALIVE reserves the rights to amend these terms and conditions from time to time and your continued use of this website after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes. If you are dissatisfied with any portion of this website or with any or all the terms of use, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using this website.

  14. If any of these terms is found to be illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the term(s) in question will be severed; but the remaining terms will continue in force.

  15. Use of hyperlinks to other internet sites or resources are at your own risk. The contents, accuracy, opinions expressed, and other links provided at these sites are not investigated, verified, monitored, or endorsed by ALIVE which disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, contents, availability or omission of information found on sites that link to or from this website. You should therefore make all enquiries and investigation before proceeding with any online or offline access or transaction with any of these third parties. ALIVE does not warrant the security of any information you may forward or be requested to provide to any third party. You irrevocably waive any claims against ALIVE for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any access to or interaction with any other websites via this website.

  16. If you follow a link to any other website, you are responsible for checking the relevant terms and policies before you submit any personal information to those websites.

  17. These terms apply regardless of how the website is accessed, including via a mobile or wireless device.